
"I believe that the best learning process of any kind of craft is just to look at the work of others."
~ Wole Soyinka

Mother's Day Card and YPP

Vintage family photos, Tim Holtz fragments, fabric lollipop flower.
Happy belated Mother's Day!  I haven't posted in a while so I wanted to share the MD card I made for my mom.  My inspiration was all the  vintage cards and crafts I've seen everywhere lately.  I'm also excited because I joined Your Paper Pantry just this weekend and I have received such a warm welcome from the members there.  Can you believe this very card picture was featured on their site already?  I haven't even been a member for a week and they noticed me.  Please believe me, I'm not boasting because the members there are Ridiculously talented.  I only mention this because I've been a member of other online forums and it's not always easy to break into the groups.  At YPP I was immediately welcomed and I can't wait to learn and swap and be a contributing part of the community there.

Ok, I'm done.  Have a great week everyone!
