
"I believe that the best learning process of any kind of craft is just to look at the work of others."
~ Wole Soyinka

Fairies Welcome!

Have you heard the phrase "If you build it they welcome come."?  I'm hoping "it" means a fairy house because that what I built. 

And a look at the inside...

The house measures 5.5'' x 4'' x 6.5''

My mom even joined me and made a house of her own.  Now we just have to wait for "them".

And before I forget... I'd like to say WELCOME to my 1st follower, Casey from Casey's Minis and you too Tessie!!

Mini Break

I took a break from the Newport for a few days to focus on making minis.  You'll be able to track my progress on the house here, The Newport, soon... I promise.

These are some of my first minis.  I'm please with most of them.  Let me know what you think, I'll keep practicing.


Unbaked cookies

Paper bags

Soap - you can't see it here but the soap has white marbling.

