This is the beginning.
Welcome to my blog. However you stumbled across it, whether accidentally or not I hope you find something on here interesting enough for you to comment on or come back.
I'm not exactly sure what I want to focus on if anything at all. My interests are as vast as the stars in sky, well depending on where you live. Here in the city I'm lucky to see 3 stars at night so that metaphor actually wouldn't work. What I'm trying to say is that I have MANY interests. Makeup, knitting, nail polish, makeup, shopping, scrapbooking, card making and maybe more makeup. What can I say? I'm a girly girl who likes to build, knit, and craft. Isn't that normal?
All randomness aside, I'm hoping I can stick to this blog thing. I know in the beginning, as it is now, it'll be like talking to a wall. But hopefully, a good number of you will read this, decide to comment and bring some life and excitement into my posts. A blogger has to have followers or else the blog is just a diary online, FAIL. me be a BLOGGER! Comment and come back often. You might like it here.