
"I believe that the best learning process of any kind of craft is just to look at the work of others."
~ Wole Soyinka

Booties and Cleaves, Oh My!

Get your mind out of the gutter ;0).  I just want to share some of my past knitting projects.  This post will probably be few and far between because I'm a slow knitter and tend to lay my work down for weeks at a time.  Here's some projects that I actually finished.  Hope you like them.

2 Strap Mary Jane's for baby Izabel


Cleaves for mom.



Socks for me and Cookie.

 With the weather getting cooler again I'm ready to pull out my needles and settle in for the loooong winter.  

BTW, if you're into knitting join me on Ravelry, the best community of knitters there is.  You can get lots of patterns, see some pretty cool things people are working on and share your projects.  I love that site.

Patterns for the cleaves and booties can be found on ravelry.


  1. Were the socks easy? I've tried knitting just learning the stitches and did not complete one thing. What is a great beginner project?

    1. This is crazy late, but the stripped socks were my first project. I can't say they were easy at first but it's fast learning.
